Dear clients, as of February 2024 we will stop sending our products outside Europe. Let us explain why in this blog post

for you

your preferences

your piece

For taking with you

  • Egipto

    Price $102.89
    Bolso bandolera que cierra con 2 hebillas
  • Reyes

    Price $157.05
    Bolso con gran capacidad para llevar al hombro

For writing and painting

  • Elena

    Price $56.32
    Pensado para tomar apuntes y dibujar con lápices de colores
  • Dosier

    Price $59.57
    Funda para documentos
  • Set de cuero

    Price $119.14
    Conjunto de herramientas básicas para trabajar el cuero y su funda de cuero

For the things you like

  • Revistero Tarta

    Price $102.89
    Simulando la tradicional caja de tartas, es perfecto para guardar revistas de una forma original
  • Manillar

    Price $70.40
    Pequeño bolso diseñado para colgar del manillar o llevarlo en bandolera, según el momento.
  • Macetero

    Price $37.91
    Para colgar una maceta
Companies, institutions, events...

Do you want to order several pieces?

You can choose one of our models or bring your own idea or design and we will develop it for you. The small size of our workshop means a high flexibility which we combine with the necessary expertise to carry out the whole process.
Find out how to do it


INSTAGRAM @tallerpuntera