Libreta A5, tamaño cuartilla
Libreta A5
Libreta A5, tamaño cuartilla
VAT included
Only capital letters, numbers, periods, or hyphens. Engraved items cannot be returned.


The maximum number of characters is 10, spaces included.
This model includes a notebook. Do you want a spare one?
(+5,5 euros)
components list
Base product | Libreta A5 | 42.00 € |
Leather Colour | false false Not selected | 0.00 € |
Colour of the thread | false false Not selected | 0.00 € |
Colour of the thread | false false Not selected | 0.00 € |
Colour of the thread | false false Not selected | 0.00 € |
Colour of the thread | false false Not selected | 0.00 € |
Colour of the thread | false false Not selected | 0.00 € |
Colour of the thread | false false Not selected | 0.00 € |
Colour of the thread | false false Not selected | 0.00 € |
Colour of the thread | false false Not selected | 0.00 € |
Colour of the thread | false false Not selected | 0.00 € |
Colour of the thread | false false Not selected | 0.00 € |
Colour of the thread | false false Not selected | 0.00 € |
Colour of the thread | false false Not selected | 0.00 € |
Do you want to engrave a name or initials or date? | false false Not selected | 0.00 € |
Text to be engraved | false false Not selected | 0.00 € |
Spare item | false false Not selected | 0.00 € |
Product with this customization | 42.00 € |
Libreta A5
La libreta interior, tamaño A5, tiene un papel color crema rayado y una solapa en la parte trasera con la que se puede marcar por dónde se va.
Tiene una solapa con una apertura para guardar tarjetas o papeles.
La pieza se cierra con una trabilla.
La libreta se puede sacar cuando se acabe y cambiar por otro recambio.
16 x 23 cm.
Tamaño A5
Piel de vacuno de curtición vegetal.
El modelo incluye la libreta de la marca Clairefontaine.